ALUMNI PROFILE / Master of Divinity

Dan Ragusa

Dan’s dissertation research topic has left him with a more profound impression of God’s covenant and its implications for thinking and living in His exhaustively revelatory world for His glory.

About Dan

Rev. Dr. Dan Ragusa (class of 2016) recently graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, where he completed his Ph.D. in Systematic Theology with a dissertation defense titled Trinitarian Harmony: The Foundations of a Philosophy of Revelation in Early Nineteenth-Century Dutch Reformed Theology. Dan’s research aims to trace the lines of connection established by God between revelation and the created universe, as noted by Herman Bavinck, through a philosophy of revelation. His research is heavily influenced by the Dutch Reformed Romanticist Willem Bilderdijk, who significantly influenced other theologians, including Bavinck, Groen Van Prinsterer, Abraham Kuyper, and Geerhardus Vos.

Dan’s primary source study of Bilderdijk uncovered the foundational concept of “trinitarian harmony,” which Dan defines as the unity-in-diversity of creation ultimately founded in the Trinity. He further integrated the doctrine of the covenant into his research to create a distinctly covenantal philosophy of revelation.

During his studies, Dan had the privilege of serving as Stated Supply at Pompton Plains Reformed Bible Church in NJ from 2019 to 2020. In 2021, he accepted a call to serve Messiah’s Reformed Fellowship (URC) in NYC, where he currently resides. His research has informed his pastoral work, as he values a learned ministry where the Word of God is rightly divided. Being tested in new ways during his studies helped him sharpen his critical thinking abilities, benefiting his preaching, teaching, and counseling.

Dan’s research topic has left him with a more profound impression of God’s covenant and its implications for thinking and living in His exhaustively revelatory world for His glory. He expresses gratitude for the support and encouragement from many along the way, especially his wife, Susanna. The couple recently welcomed their son, Daniel Jr., into the world.