
Location and background are important aspects of the Seminary, but far more important is the Seminary's unashamed commitment to Scripture and dedication to practical ministry.

Welcome From the Interim President

In a leadership transition at Mid-America Reformed Seminary, Dr. Alan Strange has taken the helm as Interim President, pledging to uphold the institution's commitment to Reformed theology and expand its outreach.


Our Purpose

Our purpose is to prepare pastors for gospel ministry and to train others to serve in various Christian venues. That purpose becomes clear in a curriculum designed to develop our Master of Divinity students intellectually, pastorally, and spiritually. Our instructors provide a thorough instruction in God’s Word and a solid grounding in the Bible’s essential doctrines, while the practical theology courses and Ministerial Apprenticeship Program give students real-world experience. This is supplemented by our close, supportive community who encourages the spiritual maturity of our students.

Students enrolled in our Master of Theological Studies program also enjoy the benefits of this well-developed purpose. We provide solid theological and practical training to others whose vocational intention will benefit from a robust theological education.

Learn more about our distinctives

Mid-America at a Glance

  • 1981

    Founded in 1981, Mid-America has been committed to providing solid theological training.

  • 6 to 1

    6 to 1 student to faculty ratio


    Mid-America is located in Dyer, Indiana, 30 miles from downtown Chicago